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We want you to be able to focus on getting the most from Conscious Investor when you subscribe and not have any worry about the risk of the subscription fee. We are completely confident that you will at least make this fee back in profits during your first 12-month subscription period.

Our guarantee is very simple. Simply update the stock prices on a weekly basis starting 30 days after your sign-up date. If at the end of the 12-month subscription period you are not satisfied with Conscious Investor and you have not made profits at least to the level of your subscription fee using Conscious Investor for your selections , we will give you a complete refund of your fee. Just send us a list of the transactions you made using Conscious Investor.

What return can I expect?

We can't predict what return you will make. However, we can share with you factual results of our Conscious Investor portfolio.

Every test done independently and by us shows that Conscious Investor portfolios consistently outperform the market. Let me tell you some of the results from our most extensive back test that we have ever done.

You may not know, but for the 9 years from the start of 2001 to the start of 2010 the S&P500 lost a total of --14.12%, the NASDAQ -7.76% and the Russell 3000 -3.75%. In other words, investing in the market would mean that after 9 years you would have lost money or more. Taking into account inflation, it would have been even worse.

Suppose instead you had spent an hour or two at the start of 2001 to use Conscious Investor to choose your portfolio by setting the filters at standard levels within the software.

As you know, instantly Conscious Investor displays the list of companies for the portfolio.

Then at the end of each year you use Conscious Investor in the same way to form a new portfolio by dropping the stocks that no longer passed the filters and adding those that did.

What results would you expect? 10%? 20%? Perhaps even 30-40%? In fact, it was way more. This simple process produced growth of a remarkable rate of 210.02% or 13.40% per year.

The overall performance for Conscious Investor in Australia was even better. The same process produced a portfolio that grew by 532.62% including dividends or 22.75% per year. This compared to the growth of the All Ordinaries Index of 4.8% per year over this period.

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