your superannuation retirement fund take a beating during
the global financial crisis?
You are not alone; according
to a treasury report Australians from all age groups were
shocked at seeing their super funds lose money.
The reports says many people
assumed that their super funds were guaranteed —
that is, they could only go up.
The Oakleigh Traders association
recognised this, and has come up withy a solution —
self-managed super funds.
Jim Brownlee, who has a financial
services business in Oakleigh, has got the association
on board to run a series of free workshops to help people
set up their own super funds.
"We're talking about educating
people to become se;d-advisers, not rely on someone else
to tell them what to do," he said.
"We can educate people
that they can take control of their super, they can change
the results."
Mr Brownlee is basing the classes
on John Price's book The Conscious Investor.
Professor Price said the book and the workshops were relevant
to everyone, from people starting out in the workshops
to those approaching retirement.
He said anyone could learn
to mange their own super, and encouraged people to give
the free workshops a go.
Mr Brownlee will hold the first
of a series of information seminars at the former Oakleigh
Council Chambers on Sunday.