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What Does Conscious Investor do?
  1. What is Conscious Investor designed to do?
  2. How can I view a demonstration of Conscious Investor?
  3. What screen resolution do I need to view the demonstration viewlets?
  4. Can I trial a copy of the software before buying?
  5. What defaults are built into the software?
  6. Something not on this list?
    Q What is Conscious Investor designed to do?

    Conscious Investor is the only rational way of finding great companies and calculating what price to pay for them.

    Conscious Investor provides comprehensive "filters" which scan the entire market for stocks that meet the investment criteria based upon the ideas of Warren Buffett.

    In this sense you do not need to wade through hundreds of shares. Only a small number of stocks ever meet all the criteria at any given time.

    Similarly there may be stocks that you would like in your portfolio if you can get them at the right price. The software will assist you to determine what is an appropriate entry price so that you can sit back and wait for “Mr Market” to provide the perfect buying opportunity.

    Q How can I view a demonstration of Conscious Investor?

    Conscious Investor is about buying quality companies at fair prices. It is a uniquely rational approach to stock market investments.

    You can access a demonstration from our home page:

    Also, you will find the articles useful in understanding the methods of Warren Buffett and how they are implemented in Conscious Investor:

    The other important thing is to take your time. The software has lot of levels so be prepared to spend time understanding its features. But I am confident it will be worth it. In a recent study I used the rollback feature of Conscious Investor to make selections for the past five years. Assuming that I bought a portfolio generated by Conscious Investor each year and held for a year, the annual return exceeded the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index by a remarkable 7.8% per year.

    Q What screen resolution do I need to view the demonstration viewlets?

    To watch the demonstration viewlets, you need to set your screen resolution to 1024 x 768.

    Q Can I trial a copy of the software before buying?

    Our online video demonstration of Conscious Investor software program allows you to understand in minutes how the software works and its full capability.

    Demo Video 1: Scan the entire stock market for investment grade opportunities; determining the financial health of the top listed companies within minutes.

    Demo Video 2: Discover what price to pay for great companies; see our proprietary and analysis tools

    Demo Video 3: Avoid wealth destroying stocks; find out why the greatest danger facing share market investors is "unconscious" investing.

    Click below for a sample stock analysis of Wesfarmers Limited (AUS) that we have sent to our clients: Download the appropriate file: PDF Word.

    Below is a sample stock analysis of Federated Investors Inc (USA) that we have sent to our clients: Download the appropriate file: PDF Word Viewlet.

    These sorts of analyses are sent out to our clients each month to assist them in cementing their knowledge of the software. This sample should provide you with an idea of the comprehensive nature of our company analyses.

    Please understand that you would normally have been through many hours of training and playing with the software before you would normally view these documents.

    Q What defaults are built into the software?

    The default criteria built into the software relate to ROE/ROC, market capitalisation, years history, Debt/Equity, Quick Ratio, Current Ratio, Interest Cover, STAEGR (Earnings/Sales), and Stock Return (STRETD).

    These are core to the software and are all taught as part of the client training program. Furthermore, although defaults are set clients are able to screen the market on any criteria they want through a slider system (which shows higher/lower risk options).

    STRETD is Stock Return assuming Dividends are reinvested (i.e. Total Return). Click here to read the "Hidden Desires of Investors" on our website for an understanding of the importance of STRETD.

    HGROWTH is historic growth rate of earnings (not the one quoted by brokers though - this one maps every years earnings rather than just the first year and the last year). We explain this concept fully in our “Conscious Investor Approach” booklet (clients receive this).

    STAEGR – Click here to read the "Earnings Forecasts Made Easy" article on our website for a full explanation of the importance and role of STAEGR.

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