to FAQ Main
Will your company be around for the long
Investing is in a strong financial position, which is
usually a key determinant in business longevity.
Investing has a proven formula for business success
that is profitable and effective in fulfilling a yawning
gap in the market place (albeit a niche market). We
regularly receive emails from around the world asking
when we will be able to offer the product to an international
Perhaps more important however is the fact that the
founders and operators are passionate about what the
software offers and represents. We are not the only
ones who feel this way.
every client who purchases the software we receive an
average of one referral sale. Clearly the market thinks
we are doing something right.

Q Has
Warren Buffett endorsed Conscious Investor?
Price has communicated with Warren Buffett but has not
specifically asked him about the formulae in the system.
Warren Buffett is actually quite secretive about what
he does. He is not an educator or in the business of
giving away his intellectual property.
Buffett himself says that he is in the business of allocating
capital and that it is a competitive business - it's
not for him to give away his profitable ideas. He is
generous in sharing many of his ideas in a general way
with his shareholders and the public but he does not
reveal the critical financial steps that he uses.

Q Why
is Professor John Price uniquely qualified to “unlock”
the secrets of Warren Buffett?
John Price has been able to use his expertise as a research
mathematician to "test" what Buffett says
he does and what he actually has done in terms of the
investment decisions he has made.
a developer of large scale risk systems for companies
like BT Funds Management, the Australian Wheat Board
and the Australian Wool Board, Professor Price is uniquely
qualified to develop the intellectual property contained
within Conscious Investor.

Q How
do I know that the functions are in line with Buffett’s
ideas since I cant see how they are written?
functions within Conscious Investor have been developed
by financial mathematician Professor John Price who
is a leading authority on the techniques of Warren Buffett.
Price has been teaching generations of fund managers
since 1969. He has taught in 6 different countries around
the world.
you read the contents of our free three-part Newsletter
- "The Investment Secrets of Warren Buffett"
you will get an understanding of the functions in the
software and how they have been developed to replicate
Buffett's approach.
if you read some of the articles on our website they
provide a background into the intellectual property
contained within the software.
the workshop video that you receive with the software
actually shows you how the functions are calculated.
do this so that our clients gain a deeper understanding
of the functions and therefore greater confidence in
using them. We endeavour to be fully transparent with
our clients so that they learn the knowledge to invest
with confidence. We don’t ask our clients to rely
on our calculations blindly. However, these calculations
are also our core intellectual property and therefore
they are restricted to clients only. We offer a money
back guarantee to all clients.

Q There
are other “value” type of software systems on
the market, many of which claim to emulate a “Buffett”
approach. What makes Conscious Investor any different?